Why You'll Love Actify

Actify lets you capture leads and qualify them quickly, simply and effectively. Stop spending time recording customer data across different apps, spreadsheets, and tools. Actify’s lead capture software automatically funnels all of your data into your CRM where all customer-facing teams can access it.

Why choose us

ActifyLeads Offers best of the breed customisation options, cutting edge technology and real time data and analytics access to all the stake holders

Customisable Lead Qualification

Never spend your time working a bad-fit lead again. Automatically score contacts as they come in from Actify's lead capture software.

Amazing Support

We are dedicated to your success and work tirelessly to help you reach your goals. Call or email any time!

Real Time Dashboard and Data Transfer

ActifyLeads is all about real time, All stake holders have a quick snap shot of the activities and real time connectivity with CRM means quick turn around for greater deals

Improve Booth Staff Productivity

Fast, easy and reliable lead capture process and Lead qualification process means that booth staff can spend more time with each of the visiting customers, increasing the ROI