Lead Capture

Experience the power of Actify, tailored specifically for event organizers, trade shows, and exhibitors. Increase your lead capture efficiency, qualify leads instantly, and optimize your team’s productivity. It’s time to take your trade show experience to the next level.

Manage Multiple Teams

Actify Leads optimizes the event management value chain & enables you to manage millions of meetings & events from around the world.

Mobile event app​

Make event experiences more personal and accessible with the Actify Leads Mobile App.

Seamlessly Capture Leads​

Skip the delay of manual data entry with Actify’s seamless lead capture software. Simply scan attendees LinkedIn QR code or their Event Badge to input their information in seconds.

Lead Scoring Capabilities​

Our lead qualification software offers automation, reporting, and communication tracking. You can also sync it with the CRM of your choosing to enable you to do more with your leads. With the assistance of Actify Leads, you can expect much better results from your lead qualification process.

All Your Information in Once Place

With Actify, all the contact details, previous interactions, and specific requirements are stored in one place. Detailed contact profiles improve lead qualification since all the details that are required to qualify and convert your leads into loyal customers are readily available.

Qualifying Your Leads

When determining the authority and credibility of leads, you need access to relevant information related to them. Actify gives you complete visibility of the leads’ contact information, and buying authority. This will help you qualify and prioritize all of your leads efficiently.

Prioritize Prospects

With enhanced visibility and insights, Actify can help you prioritize customers more efficiently. You can track the lead score and current position of all available leads to find out which lead has the highest potential of converting into a customer. This prioritization ensures that important leads do not get missed out on and there are no unnecessary delays in response time. Timely follow-ups with prospects help avoid frustration and prevent leads from switching to competitors.

Live Dashboard

Actify’s Live Dashboard ensures sponsors and exhibitors can self-manage key tasks like uploading content, updating staff details, setting up email communications, and managing appointments. Moreover, detailed reporting is available in real-time directly within the Exhibitor Portal.

Contact us for setting up a Demo or in case you have any questions or queries. Can’t wait to hear from you!